- Magento webshop
- Web analytics
- Website optimization
- Google Adwords marketing
Magento Webshop
For this Dutch Audio store we made a professional and search engine friendly Magento webshop. Together with CIS int, we designed the layout and arrangements of the content. After they were satisfied with the design, we started the implementation and installation of the webshop. During the building stage, CIS Int was able to follow our work realtime and gave us daily feedback. We adjusted the feedback within a maximum of 2 hours and made sure the SEO for this webshop was optimal. This resulted in a professional looking webshop with good results in the search engines, and of course an happy client!
Website Optimization (SEO)
Besides installing a Magento webshop, we optimized the whole website of CIS Int to score better in the search results. This happened with great success, because the website of CIS int will show high in the search results on keywords that are most important for them.
Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
We have also set up and continuously manage their search engine campaigns. We created professional Google Adowrds campaigns with the focus on Sonos and specific Sonos products they are offering. We have analyzed this incoming traffic for the first month and optimized the campaigns which resulted in a 150% increase in revenue.
Web Analytics
We obtain lots of information for CIS Int. We make monthly reports for CIS Int., and inform them about all the results and tasks that we did for them that month. Besides that we make new targets to make the current marketing campaigns even better.